Thursday, April 22

GRIP5 - An even more minimalistic minimalist wallet

 I recently bought a GRIP6 minimalistic wallet as an upgrade to my previous minimalistic wallet: A rubber band. 

When the GRIP6 arrived I didn't know what to expect, however I thought I'd give it a red hot go.  

The first thing I noticed is that it wasn't a small as I thought it would be.  Here is where a card sits in relation to the GRIP6. 

Having been used to the size of the cards themselves it felt a bit bulky, and still does, so I looked at where the design could lose some weight and came up with this: 

By bending the aluminium around the side we lose the need for the screws on the side shedding some weight that way.  

A final render.  Getting the finger ring version was a gamble, but I have come to like it, even if only to just to swirl around, other times to help dig the GRIP6 out of my pocket.  Here I've swapped the ring with a teflon loop which can do the same job, but with less bulk.  

The mechanism inside has been changed significantly.  Keep in mind that this exact diagram would not work, but the idea itself seems sound.  It uses the tension of bendable plastic/metal as a spring saving a lot of room.

When the bend of the mechanism raises up it utilises the space where the cards used to be. 

And finally, my ideal version of this design has a money clip on the side.  In my view of what this is I see it as a "GRIP5": Carries only 5 cards, is the slimmer, less-manly version, but the one I'd definitely buy.  

Until I see a version like this I'll continue to enjoy my GRIP6.  

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